Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ki Tetzei 5771: The Little Things Matter

For a definition and description of Talmud please click on this link:  Talmud..  Information on the Levirate Marriage laws can be found here. Levirate Marriage.  Definition and further explanation of Mamzer, the "unsuitable" can be found here:  Mamzer.

From these few verses in this weeks parasha, hundreds upon hundreds of pages of rules and regulations have evolved.

Sending out blessings and prayers to those commemorating the loss of loved ones on 9/11/2011 as we all mourn those who have died since then as a result of the terror unleashed on that day.


  1. I have missed your podcasts. Have been listening for over a year and enjoy evening shabbat worship with your comments and family happenings, your soothing voice puts all my hectic workweek behind as I glean new insights from Torah teachings. Please dont stop your words are not void there is a need to hear...Thank you for your hard work.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words. Comments like this do keep me going! New podcast in process at this very moment! Welcome to the second season of Torah Threads!


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